The Emporer's New Clothes

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Little Bit On Right Wing Activities

I really want this BLOG to be more about us.. and what we think, than a political BLOG, but I am compelled to offer this to you this week.
It is just a little bit of politics, since I am in the mood these days .

I know this is very long for you guys to read (25 Pages). But it is, in my opinion, an example of how the "Right Wing" quietly attacks, and destroys America, at the fiber. This one is targeted at PA Higher Education. These Right Wingers love to influence and direct their agenda through educational systems.

This is very well written, and makes a lot of GREAT points on it's way to the conclusion. It is very good at presenting its case.
If I were a State Legislator, I would be considering the point.

However, the agenda is long range and very clear to me. To make the PA State Government (and all States) thru legislation, put a "Cap On" and eventually rid, the Public University System of Liberal Teachings.

Now, there argument in this is cloaked, but the agenda is clear. He stated that there are more liberal democrats teachers in PA University schools. It influences the students, to not think like a right wing republican. He uses women, blacks and ethnics , as an example of a vulnerable groups. He states that the Left, out weighs, the Right in all education majors with the exception of Business and Engineering. He sites in detail,that the schools have far to many liberal speakers booked for on campus events.

Simply, the conclusion of this effort, is that more restrictions be placed on teaching as well as on activities conducted on campus.( He don't say that in his out loud voice, just urges that a change is needed.) He stating very nicely that university's are not the place for ethnic festivals or places to celebrate diversity, not in the name of education.

I thought it was interesting. You point of view and comments are important to me.




  • Oh that would make me happy to rid the world of college football.As well as being(according to RUSH and the right)a Left pinko, pagen liberal. I am also a Hater of College Sports.

    Really, I am a hater of the money machine that drives School Sports Programs and they do it in the name of education.
    Liberal or Right Wing Schools,it don't matter to me. College Sports is a sham. I never agreed with it. I even have trouble with the High School Sports.

    Remember we were the kids in High School, who could not get 2000.00 for a theatre project. When the Football team could have 20,000.00 for new uniforms.

    Oh my. We said that out loud, We could be hung from Bever Stadium for that. We will start the Holy War of College Foot ball.

    That might be fun. I am sure there are lot of people who agree with us.

    By Blogger psyvhicjack, at 7:58 AM  

  • It is nice to have your point of view. Your comments may help enlighten us to THE WHY?

    But let me present this.

    If there was no Football in US Colleges, would the School Debate Club be that well sponsored by the Alumni?

    It seems to me that college football is a PR created social system to collect money. Football is a show that holds very little educational value.
    It does not even seem to have any real base in the pursuit of Athletics.
    It is a War like Roman Coliseum game, designed to appease the masses.

    By Blogger psyvhicjack, at 8:38 AM  

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