The Emporer's New Clothes

Friday, December 02, 2005

I am concerned, by yesterdays News Stories, regarding the United States controlling the Iraq media. reference: NY Times article, By JEFF GERTH and SCOTT SHANE Published: December 1, 2005

As some one who has worked in PR, I understand the impact of the written word, as it applies to media. I also value the free press and our First Amendment. However, we are now seeing a gross misconduct of democracy. I am not just concernd for democracy of Iraq. Over the years, our country's over zealous money hungry cooperation's, along a controlling government has used & abused the US Media with their PR campaigns aimed at unsuspecting americans. This situation has grown to the point, which it is now necessary for me to dig, into endless sources and question the personal agenda of each writer I read. I have been forced to look into the political interests of each Broadcast Channel and News operation in order to asses their broadcasts. I want fair and accurate reporting.

News has turned into sea of nonsensical PR campaign, aimed the everyday Americas lack of time, and inability to wade through the muck and mire of the stories. It is hard to find honest credibility in any type of media these days. I trust very little of what gets in print and airs. It is a shame that it all has come to this.

Call me paranoid, but in this day and age, no one tells the truth. Everyone has their own greedy agenda. The print has become so fine between the America people, Cooperation's and Leaders; you can not see it anymore. You have to be uncertain of everything that is presented to you. My friends say I have been jaded. It has been a media black hole of confusion for a long time now. I ask this question. How can you get the correct information? The Answer. Demand it, use your voice. Start changing the culture that put us in this position. Perhaps, people in this country will now begin to see how "Business as Unusual" is really being conducted?

Some of the people I have chatted with on this subject, had no idea that firms like the Lincoln Group existed. Some did not know our government engages in PR campaigns of this type. After all, if you are a blue collar worker in NEPA, or a Farmer in the Deep South, why would you want to know about Government /Corporate PR campaigns and how they work? Our Government and Corporate leaders count on the average citizen (you) sitting in a black hole, uninformed of their tactics. They want to be the ones to inform you. They want to spin and control how you think, dress, eat, and vote. They keep you busy with your own little problums, in your own little world. They don’t want you to be smart enough to know what is really happening. They lead you like sheep.

I am glad this story broke. Perhaps it will WAKE AMERICA UP. After all, It was this same type of PR propaganda that got "W" the support of the Red States and another 4 years in the White House. American people need to seek out Truth and start forming and voicing their own opinions. You can’t ignore this anymore. America needs to start relying on the real citizens of our country. That is YOU! We have to stop being sheep. Let’s stop relying on the voices of the corporate/ government agenda. These people will not voice your thoughts. You are the only one that can do this.

I am begging for your comments and opinions!


Sunday, November 20, 2005

John Lennon 25 Years all Ready

I just watched the "John Lennon - Imagine Documentary on HBO.
I can't believe it is 25 years since he was killed.

Beth and I are now planning to go to Strawberry Fields on Dec 8 and be part of a memorial. If you would like to join us, Please feel free. We will be taking the bus into the city.

I am not an avid music listener anymore, so it has been a long time since I really listen to Beatles & Lennon Music. I have to say I was wowed at how meaniful it still is.These were GREAT GREAT songs by Great Artists. I think I don't listen to them any more because they make me sad.They seem to leave a hole in my heart.

I now regret never having seen the Beatles perform.

However, I was just reminded of this show that I was at in the summer of 1975, at Madison Square Garden in NYC. It was the Elton John Show that featured John Lennon. Lennon and John Performed Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds",& "I Saw Her Standing There" in what would be Lennon's last public performance.

A Little Bit On Right Wing Activities

I really want this BLOG to be more about us.. and what we think, than a political BLOG, but I am compelled to offer this to you this week.
It is just a little bit of politics, since I am in the mood these days .

I know this is very long for you guys to read (25 Pages). But it is, in my opinion, an example of how the "Right Wing" quietly attacks, and destroys America, at the fiber. This one is targeted at PA Higher Education. These Right Wingers love to influence and direct their agenda through educational systems.

This is very well written, and makes a lot of GREAT points on it's way to the conclusion. It is very good at presenting its case.
If I were a State Legislator, I would be considering the point.

However, the agenda is long range and very clear to me. To make the PA State Government (and all States) thru legislation, put a "Cap On" and eventually rid, the Public University System of Liberal Teachings.

Now, there argument in this is cloaked, but the agenda is clear. He stated that there are more liberal democrats teachers in PA University schools. It influences the students, to not think like a right wing republican. He uses women, blacks and ethnics , as an example of a vulnerable groups. He states that the Left, out weighs, the Right in all education majors with the exception of Business and Engineering. He sites in detail,that the schools have far to many liberal speakers booked for on campus events.

Simply, the conclusion of this effort, is that more restrictions be placed on teaching as well as on activities conducted on campus.( He don't say that in his out loud voice, just urges that a change is needed.) He stating very nicely that university's are not the place for ethnic festivals or places to celebrate diversity, not in the name of education.

I thought it was interesting. You point of view and comments are important to me.



Sunday, November 13, 2005

On Internet Dating Sites

Recently, some friends of mine,became involved with Internet Dating Sites. You know "The MATCH whatever.coms"

Having personally never explored these type of services, I went on a few to see what they were all about.

After looking at some of the photos that are posted to the site, I saw mostly ordinary people, who would never be found on the cover of GQ or Vogue. I did not except to find super models. I excepted every day people, who were looking for, friendship and maybe, the beginning of a relationship. This is a nice way for middle age,middle america to meet each other. So, I was not surprised. Middle America is what is is.

What did suprise me, however, was the profiles that were posted. I was outradged by the demands set forth by these people, in regards to what they excepted from a potential new friend,date,or mate.

I have to say I was horrified at what I was reading. I was outright appalled to find thousands of, self righteous, self centered, vain, out of control people. The profiles demanded, that the potential date, meet this over the top criteria. A task that Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, or any of today's Pop or Movie Star could NOT possible meet.

I am guessing most of people who have paid for this " On Line Dating Service" are the same people, who could not conduct an intelligent or impromptu converation with a real person at the supermarket, even if they were paid to do it. I am betting that if these people could conduct a conversation they would be anoying to anyone who meets them. I bet most of people posting these ridiculous demands, have brought to life their, Bi polar Alter Ego Fantsties thru these profiles.It is my guess that their ego is the one waiting for a date with the perfect 10.

I guess that most of these people sit around, day after day, disappointed that they did not get the responses from the perfect man or women back.
I am also guessing, that these people see no flaws in their own personality.

In my imiganation, I see these people who if they met "Atilla The Hun" and Atilla growled and pointed at them,they would be riveted by his candor and Atilla would be new love of their life.

These sites have produced a bizarre culture. It has turned, shy or socialy unskilled people, into Little EGO MONSTERS.

It is crazy, that people who have not learned how to socially function in the world, now sit home,on line, demanding a Ego Driven Laundry List of Items from strangers who are just like them. Knowing that they can get away with this persona Only online, but never in person.

These sites also attempt to qualify human beings as you would house or car shopping. It is all very silly.

Here is my new

You are required to post photos of PETS ONLY.
If you don't have a pet.- I bet you have a life & this match site is not for you.

You are required to Post Only what your Pet would want from a new Friend or lover. - Pets Really don't care if we have a wart on our nose, or are over 45 with gray hair .

This would be a better way to start meeting friends and getting a realtionship started, than these silly Ego Driven Internet Whore House Dating Service Profiles.

Come on.
Most people want to mate and marry. Or at least not die alone!
( Well most of us who have not done it before)

We all want a Rich, secure person with a endless Trust Fund as a mate, One with the the body of a god or goddess.

Who would turn down A REAL 10? But, what 10 wants a 5?

But alas, REALITY!. Despite what your mother told you about how special you are, we are all only 4's & 5's (at best)

So Keep it Real! Know who you are!
Know that you can be happy with some one who is not PERFECT.
cuz, We are not Perfect.

We all have some affliction or something that is not appealing:
Fat arms,
Skinny Arms
Age Lines,
Big feet,
Back Hair,
Female mustache,
Gray Hair,
Skinny legs,
Sagging Tits,
Small Penis
Fat Ass
Under Eye Bags
Bad Skin
Ugly Teeth
We all have one or more of the the above.

But that don't make us bad people. Does it.?

Most of us are Not Frankinstin. Most of us are not Model Material either. It would be good if your perfect match didn't have 2 Heads,and 1 ear.
I think most of us can fit that criteria.

It is better to "Be Real" and find compassion and happiness with people that are interesting. Yet Flawed. It is better to form solid relationships, with a flawed person that to live ,a live a lie pretending to be a Perfect person. Cuz, NO ONE IS PERFECT.

LETS GE T REAL - Beautiful Rich People, very seldom find love with the normal common folk. It is an nice story. But it don't happen that often. We are simply not intresting enough for them. Beauty or Not. We just don't have the same common denomators.

Here are things that I think are more important to know about people.

What makes them laugh.
What makes them cry.
What stimulates them outside the bedroom.
(FYI: Good Sex is something that is learned and practiced. If you don't practice at it your probely not that good at it. So, Stop lying to yourself.)
Do they have a clean bathroom.
Do they have a good heart
Do they have solid morals
Are they nice to animals.
Are they good to their friends.
Are they there when you need them.

Sex and Living with another person can be learned!

Being Fun, Friendly and Intresting and Truly a Good and Caring person with companion, is what friends and relationships are all about.

I don't really care what anyone looks like, I just care what is in there heart. We should not judg the book by its cover.



Saturday, November 05, 2005

Heroes; Larry Flint, Charles Manson, and Cher

It is ok if your Heroes are Larry Flint, Charles Manson, and Cher.

If people have heros like Jeffery Dammar, I do not think those who see the good in what these people have accomplished as radical. I do not think people who cheered the OJ Simpson Vertict as having some affliction going on.
I think they simply have the in-site to look deep into a situation.

You can possess the human ability to respect what a person accomplished with out liking what they did.

You should not confuse personal beliefs, with the skills that people like Dammer, Flint, Manson and Cher have.
These people have shown me a great display of solid planning skills, perseverance and forward thinking.

Accomplishments are important regardless if is Porn, Murder, or Bad Singing and Fashion.

What do you think?

Cramps Politics and Old Friends

I am sorry I did not have a chance to post or comment yesterday.
I was distracted by cramps and politics and old friends visiting. It was a do nothing day, but it was a very busy one.

There is a common thread between, Cramps.Politics and Old Friends.
No matter what you do, they are always are their.

You can't make them disappear. The three have no set schedule in my life, and always seems to be around when ever they decide. They control my day, regardless of if I am in the mood for them or not.

They all seem have their purpose in my life.I am sure I will miss them all when they go away for good !

Somehow, their presents, seem to make my idealistic, perspective on life, a lot more realistic.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Getting To Know Us- Michele & Dana

Say Hello to Michele ( Pictured On Right) She has now posted and will be hanging around with us also.
Dana ( Pictured On Left) I am sure will join us soon.

Write It Down - Make it Real

It has taken 4 days to play around just to see what can be done on this BLOG. I am getting their. Old, fat and tech challenged, but I am learning. Unfortunately, the learning has has taken time away from what this BLOG is intended to do.
One of the purposes of this BLOG is to, "Write, Rant, Communicate and Express Points of View", with people. It exists here to create a home for us all. One that hopefully every one is comfortable in. Hopefully, through this we can come up with ways to make our lives a better place to live, simply by communication and relationship building.
The point here is to, get "Everyone Communicating". So far we are doing real good. For day 4 we have had a lot of activity. So we are on our way.

I know it will take a bit of time, for every one we know, to get comfortable, with this new BLOG tool . Hopefully they will be diligent and it will work out for everyone. Hopefully we can make new friends who share the same ideas. Lets give it a try. The worst thing that can happen is this BLOG finds it way, to that cyber space graveyard, where BLOGS must go when they die.

The Point Of My Rambling: WRITE IT DOWN. MAKE IT REAL.

It is just like a grocery list. When you write toughts or opinions down you, are expending enegery and reinforcing the thought.

ie: Store List:
1. Toilet Paper
2. Air freshener
3. Soap

ie: Life List:
1. Make More Money
2. Elect A New President
3. Make the World A Better Place for Everyone.

Now, I know on may occasions, you did not make up a list or you have lost the list before you got to the store.
I know you REMEMBERED everything that was in it. RIGHT? OK maybe 1/2 of it? Some of it ? Did you buy things you did not need?

Chances are if you wrote the list but forgot it, you would have remember some of the things that would make your life better. If you Did not write anyting down, most likely you pick up a lot of stuff you did not need.

The Written Word is a Great Thing.

So... WRITE IT DOWN. Then you may be able to get what you need and maybe see what you want. You may be able to see things little clearer. You may be able remember what you need in the store of life.


Found a cool link on this Blog. Take a look

Photo Program Test

Just Testing Hello Photo Features. It works.
Roxie Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Team Members Beth and Tommy- Welcome

The Emporer's New Clothes

WELCOME BETH and TOMMY as Team Members of this wonderful BLOG.

As soon as the rest of you feel confortable, Become A Team Member. It will be much more fun for all of us.

You will be able to post on the front page... and then we can all SPAM YOU! (LOL)


Tony C from France

Tony C ask me to post something for him. He says Hi to everyone! He is sad he missed the hurricane in Miami. He has no Wi Fi. He just left Amsterdam and is heading to Tours, and Nice, France this week, so he won't be able to log in. ( FYI- he is on the Euorpe Riverdance Tour). I think they all had a good time in Amsterdam. I am not sure if they will remember it! LOL.
This is the only photo I have right now of him in France.

WELCOME ALISON & Supreme Court Choices - Please Add Your NOMINEES

The Emporer's New Clothes

WELCOME ALISON- We are happy you have joined us.


Yes indeed, we are all old farts. None of us have had an easy time figuring out how this BLOG stuff all works.
So YOU ARE NOT ALONE!We need a group of 8 year olds around us. They know everything about computers and BLOGS and GAMES.

Tony O is kind of frustrated with me and this, right now.
That is why you have not seen Tony O or Tony C post yet.
Keith also is in the logging in phase.

My brother has it going on, but Tommy has helped him.

However, we will manage to do it anyway. As I said. This is a place where we can make mistakes, and not be judged, and if we don't know something. We will ask and figure it out. WE ARE LEARNING THINGS..

Did you ever think that was possible at our AGE? To be able to learn something?

Sorry JACK.. We know you and ALison are the youngest.. oh and Beth and Jen too!

Keith and me don't much mind being old. I know for me, all I have is my age, sometimes!

I don't know much about Blogging either, so I am not a lot of help when it comes to telling you how to function in this site. But we are all figuring it out. I will do my best to help and get us all logged on.

Then we can have a place to RANT and RAVE... And Do what ever!

We may even come up with some good ideas and thoughts, write a book, write a play, have out own reality show!

You just never know what is around the corner. You guys may even want to start your own BLOG.. And link to this one... And then we can all go back and forth with each others BLOGS.... Hay! I like looking down the road.

I know personally I feel to old to go out to bars and Coffee shops and hang out and share conversation! I have always like talking to you guys and I think we come up with some good views on the world. We also have nice way of expressing ourselves . WE ARE NOT SHY PEOPLE! (well not on the outside)

We can have our voice on line. Who know what could happen..


I know we ALL have THINGS to SAY! SO LETS SAY THEM...

This is the Thread with all the Supreme Court Choices
( Please Add Your NOMINEES)

Monday, October 31, 2005


I forgot it was Halloween. How could that happen? This was one of my favorite holidays. ( if you can call it a holiday)
Even though I saw all those silly orange lights going up all over town, I just plain forgot tonight was Trick or Treet. As the knocks and door bells rang at my house, I had no candy. I went to my Las Vegas Fund Jars and Got out the coins. Do you think that all my neighborhood kids will mind, Cold Hard Cash? I figure I am just helping the economy right? Those kids can now become a real consumer and buy their own candy.
I am feeling bad about missing Halloween. I did not even dress up my puppies Bella & Rosie.

It's Halloween...It's scarey....It's............American Healthcare!

So, is there anything more scarey than calling a report to an RN, that is REGISTERED NURSE, who has a minimum of two years post highschool education, and may have up to a bacheleor's degree, or MS, or even a PHD, and they ask you to spell medical terms? Now I can understand them asking you to spell alveolar infiltrates, or TriMaleaollar, but when they ask you to spell "CHF", it makes you question the credibility of those that tend to our sick loved ones.

When you call a report that says "bilateral pneumonia" and the RN asks you....what about the right lung? That is the one we are concerned about. There is something wrong with the system that lets these brain surgeons practice their science. Most people know bilateral means both sides. Are RNs trained to forget the common and practical things that most people know?

It's just scarey.

Hay... we made a spelling Error

The Emporer's New Clothes

Tommy said we made a mistake on the spelling of the BLOG... EMPORER...

I am bad at the spelling game.

I will have to try to fix it... or open a new one and repost this stuff... or should we leavi it alone?


Question of the Week

Question of the Week

Has Capitalism has finally triumphed over Marxism?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Getting to know Us - Jack

This is Jack. He is about 100 lb thinner right now!

Getting to know Us- Alison

This is Alison. She looks sweet in this Photo.

Getting To Know Us - Roxie


Getting To Know Us- Tommy

This is Tommy. In his natural habitat!

Getting to know us- Beth

This is Beth and Tom Jones
Beth is now much thinner.
We will get an updated Photo of her soon.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Emporer's New Clothes

The Emporer's New Clothes

Tonight I had a visit at my house from Dr. Tony O. He is very happy about the Blog. He is interested in YOUR feedback. He will be posting very soon. He really wants everyone to come and visit him at his new venue in Upstate NY.


These are OUR Topics.. and hopefully in the near future we will all be posting Our different points of view.

I spent some of the day exploring the new Medicare Benefits ( or lack of them) I am finding the entire situation rather confusing. Any help you can give me on these would be appreciate.

Dr. Tony and I had a very broad conversation that mostly involved Politics and the State of the Union.
It was a delightful visit and he will be visiting Taylor again on Dec. 24th

I am sure that most of you will be in attendance at that gathering. Hopefully we can find sanity in this Holiday Season.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lets Start

Dear Friends, ( Mostly, Jack, Tony, Beth and Alison)

It is clear to me, that on a regular basis that “We just don't play the game of “Empore's New Cloths”, all that well. We seem, some how, to be able to understand and, know the world we live in for what it is. Our little group of friends, are linked together by a common bond. We seem to understand the same basic things people need in life. We also have a natural talent for bring out the “Real Facts”. We also know beyond a shadow of a doughty, what motivates a person to do something. We know simply this “IT IS WHAT IT IS”

We take for granted, that everyone that exists on this planet, knows the same things we do. We are faced with bewilderment every day, when driving in traffic, walking thru the supermarket or working with our jobs. We have all experienced the bewilderment that “Common Sense is not Common”. We run into this all the time and it extremely frustrates us.

We are also the people, for good or for bad, who doesn’t judge a person by simply what they show us when we meet them. We often know from our innate instinct, how this person will act and why. We are the people, which often go deeper and find the human inside a person. We some how posses a tool that finds the person who is hidden inside lot of Social, Political, Family and Reglious issues. These are issues that everyone in the world faces, on a day to day basis.

We do this with no degree in Psycho analysis just instinct. We don’t even know we are doing this. It just happens. Why? Because we possess an instinct that other people do not have. We learned something once that other people never learned, or have forgotten. We just don’t walk trough our lives. Now, this by itself does not mean we are Happy, Happy people, but we don’t fake that either. We know what is going on and why we feel the way we do. Other people do not know this. Not the way we do.

Last Night when engaging in a conversation regarding the topics of “People at Work”, “Bad Customer Service by Major Corporations” and Clown Porn, with our beloved friend ALISON I said We should do training classes that brings people back to Reality, and teach them to Act Like HUMANS again. I understand in the corporate world, why people act like they don’t care. BECAUSE THEY DON”T They know they are not appreciated, and can be replaced by phone service, computer, or machine or forgin worker, at anytime. They just take the money, do as little as possible and run. This is why we are often frustrated by people’ and their lack of consideration for others, as well as their basic Customer Service Ability and work ethics. They simply have no reason to care. No one has taught them to look deeper into things, something we do all the time.

There is a time and place for everything. Denature Cream, Reality TV and Clown Porn.
I firmly believe, if other people could just see the world thus our eyes, they may learn something.

So here is the beginning of something that may finally Help Us and helps the world we live in. The communication of “WHAT WE KNOW TO BE TRUE”. Is this a Self Richious Work, Your “Dam Tootin’” it is. Why, because we except more from the world and we give more. The realization is CLEAR. Other people do not know what we know.

We have to write it down and teach it. It won’t change the world, but it may sell books and programs, and someone may learn something from it. Should people like Jerry Farwell, Erin Brockavitch, and Dan Abrams be the only people writing down their thoughts and opinions? Is Jessie Jackson the only person that has an opinion on ways people can help themselves?

NO. We Possess a Special Knowledge of People and the World that is just as important! It is the first step.

This is easy to accomplish, it just is US… and Our Thoughts and Ideas and Opinions. Who know? We still have the right to express how we feel in this country. It may or may not be popular, but both of those things sell books and Tapes.

Please add your Name in Front of the Title, when you have added your chapter names. Writings and or thoughts.

This is a collaboration of what WE KNOW.

There are several titles that all of us have had many conversations on… like the “Empore's New Cloths” Topic. Feel free to add any paragraphs or thoughts you have regarding the subjects.

Please Place your Initials by it, so that on publication of this book as A NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER, you can have proper Credit, and Royalty Money Distribution and be a candidate for Corporate and College Speaking Tours.

Jack isgoing to BLOG THIS SOME PLACE ON THE NET, where WE (and who we want to see it) CAN HAVE ACCESS TO IT!

Here we go…

(Add Your Name Here)

Alison and Roxie's “Human and Corporate Boot Camp"

(Add title Ideas)

Chapter 1 - The Empore's New Cloths

Chapter 2 - Strive and Demand Perfection from Your Self, First, Then Be a Leader

Chapter 3 - Team Work - More than One Person Doing the Work

Chapter 4 - How to Care about More than Lunch Time

Chapter 5- Why Some People Spend Life Digging a Ditch with a Spoon.

Chapter 6- How Not to be a Corporate Coal Miner

Chapter 7- How to Stop using e-mail and Forwards to pretend you have a personality

Chapter 8- It is OK, to NOT Work and Play Well with Others

A. The people who don't work and play well with others are usually the ones doing all the work.... Did you ever think that they are frustrated with you jibber jabber and your coffee breaks.
B. Perhaps people would rather be by themselves, to conintrate on the task they are trying to accomplish.

Chapter 9- Common Sense is Not Common Anymore.

Chapter 10- in the Kingdom of the Bind the One Eyed Man is King

Chapter 11-Is the "The Apprentice" just a TV Show or are Harvard Graduates Really That Stupid?

Chapter 12- It is Ok if your Heroes are Larry Flint, Charles Manson, and Cher

A. People that have Hero like Jeffery Dammar are not radical; they simply have the in-site to look deep into another person. You can also possess the human like ability to respect what a person accomplished.
You should not confuse personal beliefs, with what clearly is a display of good planning, perseverance and forward thinking. Accomplishments are important regardless if is Porn, Murder, or Bad Singing and Fashion.

Chapter 13- Why Some People Turn on the Gas, but Never Light the Fire

Chapter 14- Why Some People Try to Light the Fire with No Fuel

I am sure you can come up with more!

testing testing testing

This is only a test. Should this have been a real post, no one would really have cared anyway.

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