The Emporer's New Clothes

Friday, December 02, 2005

I am concerned, by yesterdays News Stories, regarding the United States controlling the Iraq media. reference: NY Times article, By JEFF GERTH and SCOTT SHANE Published: December 1, 2005

As some one who has worked in PR, I understand the impact of the written word, as it applies to media. I also value the free press and our First Amendment. However, we are now seeing a gross misconduct of democracy. I am not just concernd for democracy of Iraq. Over the years, our country's over zealous money hungry cooperation's, along a controlling government has used & abused the US Media with their PR campaigns aimed at unsuspecting americans. This situation has grown to the point, which it is now necessary for me to dig, into endless sources and question the personal agenda of each writer I read. I have been forced to look into the political interests of each Broadcast Channel and News operation in order to asses their broadcasts. I want fair and accurate reporting.

News has turned into sea of nonsensical PR campaign, aimed the everyday Americas lack of time, and inability to wade through the muck and mire of the stories. It is hard to find honest credibility in any type of media these days. I trust very little of what gets in print and airs. It is a shame that it all has come to this.

Call me paranoid, but in this day and age, no one tells the truth. Everyone has their own greedy agenda. The print has become so fine between the America people, Cooperation's and Leaders; you can not see it anymore. You have to be uncertain of everything that is presented to you. My friends say I have been jaded. It has been a media black hole of confusion for a long time now. I ask this question. How can you get the correct information? The Answer. Demand it, use your voice. Start changing the culture that put us in this position. Perhaps, people in this country will now begin to see how "Business as Unusual" is really being conducted?

Some of the people I have chatted with on this subject, had no idea that firms like the Lincoln Group existed. Some did not know our government engages in PR campaigns of this type. After all, if you are a blue collar worker in NEPA, or a Farmer in the Deep South, why would you want to know about Government /Corporate PR campaigns and how they work? Our Government and Corporate leaders count on the average citizen (you) sitting in a black hole, uninformed of their tactics. They want to be the ones to inform you. They want to spin and control how you think, dress, eat, and vote. They keep you busy with your own little problums, in your own little world. They don’t want you to be smart enough to know what is really happening. They lead you like sheep.

I am glad this story broke. Perhaps it will WAKE AMERICA UP. After all, It was this same type of PR propaganda that got "W" the support of the Red States and another 4 years in the White House. American people need to seek out Truth and start forming and voicing their own opinions. You can’t ignore this anymore. America needs to start relying on the real citizens of our country. That is YOU! We have to stop being sheep. Let’s stop relying on the voices of the corporate/ government agenda. These people will not voice your thoughts. You are the only one that can do this.

I am begging for your comments and opinions!


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